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Berries Pie

Berries Pie

  • Servings: 8
  • Difficulty: easy
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I always stock up on everything and berries are no exception, when I see berries on sale at the store I buy them, fresh or frozen it won’t matter to me… I fill my freezer drawer and forget about them until I envision a recipe to use them!

I also stock up on readymade pie crust… I do have my own delicious pie crust recipe of course and I make it a lot, but I love having the readymade ones on hand to help me when I am in the mood to bake and too busy to make the crust from scratch to bake a pie or any other recipes that needs a crust… I use them for sweet and savory…

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Few weeks ago I made my delicious Apple Pie and everyone loved it at at the office… That day my coworkers and I were enjoying the pie when one of them said can you please make a chocolate pie next time, I said you mean a tart?  I said I will that is next on my list to test, but I wanted to test this berries pie that I wrote a long time ago first, and I been reminding myself to test it since I wrote it…. And I have a lot of berries in my freezer…. So last night I was ready to test this recipe!

The pie turned out amazing, it had the flavors I envisioned when I wrote this recipe…The barriers worked perfectly with the cinnamon and the orange extract… The aroma was amazing and filled my kitchen… and the flavors were just delicious to perfection…

Preheat oven 400′

4 bags frozen blueberries 12 oz. each thawed and drained

2 bags of mixed berries, strawberry, blackberry and raspberries, 12 oz. each thawed and drained

3 heaping tbsp sugar free strawberry custard powder.

3 heaping tbsp cornstarch

2 cups sugar or sugar substitutes

2 tbsp orange extract

2 readymade pie crusts

1 tbsp. ground cinnamon

In a large bowl combine the drained berries, sugar or sugar substitutes, orange extract, cornstarch, cinnamon and custard powder.

With a large spatula stir the mixture well until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Into a pie dish spread the one of the pie crust evenly.

carefully add the berries mixture and top it with the second pie crust, tucking in the side…

Place the pie dish onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Cut three or four slits off of the top of the crust for the steam to escape.

Some of the juices will spell out of the dish but its ok, its a homemade gorgeous looking and rustic pie.

Bake the pie for 1 hour, remove and cool completely before serving.

Sprinkle powder sugar on top and decorate it with fresh berries.

Some other topping that goes well with this pie are a dollop of fresh whip cream or a big scope of vanilla ice cream .


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